Thursday, August 27, 2009

a full spectrum day

Note from a Southender, via Suzie.

A famous man died today, Ted Kennedy. Whatever one may have thought
of him, he was a huge influence on Americans and to the world as well.
However flawed his life, his importance was undisputed. His death
today was note worthy, his life will be eulogized and his funeral
probably well attended.

A not famous man also died today. The Park Service and Tourists were
in attendance. He was pulled from Aquatic Park waters, laid on the
beach at the public side of the Dolphin Pier. Clothed, cause of death
unknown: Accident? Suicide? Hypothermia? Drugs? Homicide? Will his
funeral be acknowledged? Will he be remembered? My first impression
was he was homeless, but I didn’t look too long, the onlookers did
that for me.

Swimming lately has a sense of danger, doing laps with the aggressive
sea lions. There was added impetus to swim the opening today, avoiding
both the sea lions and the body on the beach. Deciding to ignore both,
I did the flag, taking a wide return through the boats on the way
home, keeping the man on the beach far away for as long as I could. Of
course I swam into a pair of swimmers; after choice expletives we were
relieved we were humans, live ones; nothing like swimming with nervous

The sauna had its grim manly humor, the choice of dying in the water
at our cove, the ease of passing out thru hypothermia; close
encounters with strange floating objects, unwelcome meetings with

Not the most enjoyable, transcending swim in the Cove today, perhaps
better tomorrow. Aquatic Park will be there tomorrow, we will swim in
it, row in it, the seals and sea lions will play with us. The tourists
will unknowingly sit on the beach where the man lay and enjoy the
view. Life goes on, as well as death.

1 comment:

Unawoken said...

Tiny Seal,
Thanks for sharing. Yep, it is a sad way to go. Well written