Thursday, January 15, 2009

hello from lima

Today was our first day in lima. all arrived safely. however flipper was singled out for special attention from the customs people and got pulled over and searched. it has to be those shifty dolphin eyes or the dorsal fin. can´t decide which.

very hot and humid. but don´t think we are going to cool off with a swim in the bay here as raw sewage is very obvious. some of the die hard surfers are out there though.

food is very good! also sampled ample quantity of peru´s fave drink that tastes quite a bit like a marguerita and is made from locally produced brandy. ole!

and cats are everywhere. what is up with that?

lots of cars and high level of ozone from car exhaust. really bad smog. highly industrialized. not built up but sprawling with over 40 neighborhoods inside lima with their own mayors.

anyway we are off for an early evening and start out for the museums tomorrow am. high on our list is the museum of inquisition. hasta manana chicas!!


Tiny Seal said...

So, did the customs confiscate all your food?!

i would suggest taking a swim in the sewage waters so that you can write an interesting book about it later.

How was the museum?

We had a mellow swim thursday night. Just me and a new woman in lane6. Rick asked if i heard from you guys, will point him to the blog.

Have fun, and keep us posted when possible.

Star said...

Safe travels Rokky and Flipper. Post pictures when you can - miss you already!